John J. Kelly, DDS Your Smile | Your Health Fri, Feb 21, 2025
John J. Kelly, DDS Feb 21, 2025


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Invisalign Tips

Clear braces are all the rage. They fit the lifestyle of today’s teens and adults. Getting the most out of them can be a challenge. An article in Self Magazine by Kelsey Castañon’s gives some “clear advice” on how to make it easier.

Source: Self Magazine

Want to get the most out of Invisalign? Here are 10 great tips…

1. To benefit from Invisalign, you actually need to wear them.

Invisalign is great for people who don’t want traditional bracket and wire braces. However, keeping the aligners in for at least 20 hours is a must. So you have to be committed.

2. “What’d I just say?”

It may take some time to adjust your speech to wearing clear braces. Working at it for a short period can eliminate hints you have something in your mouth, other than your teeth!

3. “Are clear braces right for me?”

Invisalign can treat many orthodontic conditions, but other methods may be more effective, or quicker, for severe issues. Want to be sure if clear braces are right for you? Check with your practitioner, or to get a rough idea, take Invisalign’s Smile Assessment.

4. Have toothbrush, will travel!

Invisalign usage means making sure your teeth are free of food particles before putting trays back in your mouth. Keep a spare mini-toothbrush and mini-toothpaste tube (how cute!) with you at all times. Remember, it’s not forever, just for as long as you are being treated.

5. Clear braces in, dental stains out.

If you’re into coffee in the morning (or anytime) and wine at night, be warned. Those and other stain-causing foods will also stain your clear braces. If you want to partake, make sure do that in the time allotted for taking out your appliance.

6. You might become lighter (and not have to travel to another planet).

Kelsey writes that clear braces might be a blessing in disguise if your aim is to shed some pounds. Keeping your promise to wearing clear braces 20 hours a day will help you think twice about having an extra snack between meals. You may soon discover, it’s not worth taking out the trays, just to stuff a piece of birthday cake in your mouth. Ergo, instant weight loss!

7. Oh the pain (not)!

Don’t worry that it’s going to hurt. Compared with braces, it’s “a walk in the park”! Be prepared for some discomfort, but pain? Probably not.

8. Trays don’t need fluoride!

People are often tempted to brush their trays like they would brush their teeth – with toothpaste. The ingredients in toothpaste may cause your trays to become cloudy and yellow. Instead, do like the doctor ordered – use mild soap and water.

9. Expect a full year of treatment.

Some patients complete treatment earlier than expected but then come to find that they need finishing trays for the final touch, thus extending their treatment time. All in all, expect one year.

10. If it’s right, it’s worth it.

Kelsey believes, as do we, that Invisalign is worth the hassle, even for adults. The social benefits of a great smile and the confidence they engender are a great benefit. And the side perks of better eating and hygiene habits can last a lifetime.

So go ahead, people, ask your practitioner about clear braces, and we’ll expect a big smile out of you – after a year, of course. 🙂

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