It’s safe to say that spring has finally sprung! The days are lighter, the breeze is warmer and we feel sleepier than ever. What gives?
This informative article in the HUFFINGTON POST reveals the main reasons springtime can make you drowsy. Among them…
- A lag in adjustment to the new seasonal daylight – we’re still on winter-time
- Daylight Savings Time means, we lose an hour of sleep, and we may not adjust to this for some time
- Allergies can affect sleep patterns, and ability to breathe through your nose while unconscious. This can lead to apea-like sleep patterns. Not good!
- More light may play a role in throwing off our sleep, causing a lack of sleep at night and drowsiness during the day.
- With more light at night, we may be inclined to be more active later in the day, rather than quieting down our brains and bodies as we approach beddy-bye time.
Read the article to learn how to combat the drowsiness that comes with spring!