We like solutions that work with little or no effort. Here’s one for boosting your perceived intellectual capacity.
Sounds crazy but academics say, try adding a middle initial to your name. According to Cosmopolitan, a collection of studies analyzed by researchers from two universities showed, people who do get “treated with a bit more respect”.
It kind of makes sense, because people who use their middle initials often run in intellectual circles such as authorship and academia.
So now, you can ride the coattails of the “intelligencia” with a middle initial of your own. If you don’t have one, as they say, “Get one!”
Want more advice on seeming smarter? This article from Career Resources > Ten ways to seem smarter than you really are Intelligent woman with glasses Ten ways to seem smarter than you really are” href=”https://www.workopolis.com/content/advice/article/ten-ways-people-make-themselves-appear-smarter-than-they-actually-are/” target=”_blank”>Read the full article.
In summary, perception is everything, or at least a good part of everything, so explore how you could seem smarter for your next encounter.