In this age of rapid and frequent digital communication, it is often easy to push aside proper email manners.
The folks at BUSINESS INSIDER have put together a nifty list of rules of etiquette for business emails that make sense to us. Check out their article, 11 Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Know.
After all, how many times have we, ourselves, received emails from people we know that border on intrusive, sloppy or just plain thoughtless. Makes us question the sender’s trustworthiness, and overall quality as a person.
Avoid these email etiquette faux pas. Here’s a brief summary of the list:
- Include a clear, direct subject line.
- Use a professional email address.
- Think twice before hitting ‘reply all.’
- Use professional salutations.
- Use exclamation points sparingly.
- Be cautious with humor.
- Know that people from different cultures speak and write differently.
- Reply to your emails — even if the email wasn’t intended for you.
- Proofread every message.
- Add the email address last.
- Double-check that you’ve selected the correct recipient.
Read this article for more details!